About this blog

This is a personal blog, containing my personal opinions. They are certainly not the opinions of any company that I've ever worked for or was ever involved with.

If you don't like anything I've said, please feel free not to read any further.

If you want to comment on anything, feel free to drop me an email: pete at peterjbrennan dot com.

This blog was started on a raspberry pi on a shelf by the door in my home. I had a pi knocking about, and wanted to see if a website on it would give decent performance, So I wrote a couple of posts just to test the page-load speed. Then, due to the current unpleasantness, I found I had time to write more posts, so I kept going. I may run out of steam in a week or two - who knows.

I have deployed a lot of sites for clients over the years, but usually with CPU-intensive back-end processing, so I've used most of the cloud companies and several data centers. Self-hosting on a pi is fun, and hey, maybe I'll write a post about it sometime.

Spoiler alert: I did run out of steam. The pi performed really well as a web server using Grav (a no-database CMS). However, when moving house and having to turn off the pi, I moved this blog to a shared host running in a Google data center, which is where it is now.

I also write about website hosting on a blog at Number1Hosting.com

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